jährlich von ENASTRA
überwachte Endenergien

Energy controlling.




Added value

The benefits of energy controlling are varied. It enables transparency in energy flows. This brings order to energy data and energy costs, simplifying the localisation of operating optimisations as well as the billing of ancillary costs. Energy controlling provides the ideal foundation for company-specific reports and benchmarking, in order to better assess and compare buildings.


A modular service catalogue enables maximum flexibility when realising customer wishes. We see our services as a fully comprehensive package, as we offer our support in all processes. Our focus lies on the benefit for the customer. With ENASTRA, you can trust a fully committed team of experts with many years of experience in energy controlling, who are at your side.


Energy controlling technology allows us to move from energy meters to the computer monitor. This is simplified by the automatic collection of energy data, but can also be implemented with manual entries. The web-based platform offers flexible configurations as well as appealing graphics that meet all customer wishes.

Added value

You can't manage what you don't measure.

Those who know the energy flows and costs in their real estate and investment properties have a clear advantage in the management process.

The services by ENASTRA open up many doors for you. See for yourself the range of benefits that energy controlling can generate for you:


Continuous monitoring of energy flows by our employees ensures the transparency of energy consumption and energy costs. Energy controlling is integrated into the management processes, enabling order and quick access to energy data and energy costs. The customer neither has to expend additional staffing resources nor install new software.

Ecological action

The most ecological energy is the energy you save, which doesn’t need to be produced in the first place. Energy controlling enables you to demonstrate your energy efficiency and sustainability successes towards tenants and the general public as well as promote your green image. Green building monitoring (displays presented in the respective building) allows you to show your staff as well as visitors your ecological commitment in a simple and visually appearing manner.


The reduction of CO2/greenhouse gases is more important than ever. e3m enables you to report the CO2 emissions of your building in a fully automated way by systematically collecting energy data and emission factors. With this transparency, the actual and target state of a defined reduction path can be compared at any time. Measures for further reduction can thus be efficiently planned and implemented.

Identification of savings potential

Visualised energy flows enable you to determine potential for energy savings. Thanks to energy controlling, we are able to localise operating optimisations for our customers and also verify and document them.

Monitoring energy outliers

Automated alerts mean that energy outliers or malfunctions are immediately recognised. These alerts are processed by ENASTRA daily, allowing prompt rectification of the cause. Unintended additional costs can be prevented thanks to this quick reaction.

Tailored reports

Reports are created with energy controlling data according to customer wishes and can be used as a basis for annual, environmental and energy reports as well as others.

Simplifying ancillary cost billing

Plausibility-checked energy data enable you to simplify ancillary cost billing. Using a suitable interface, it is possible to transfer the data directly to the responsible administration, providing greater efficiency in the process. ENASTRA offers you a carefree package for ancillary cost billing with its EnaView service.


Specific energy consumption values for similar or identical buildings are compared by benchmarking to identify energy wasters and determine savings potential. This method is also suitable for verifying planning values.

Compliance with labels and certificates

Energy controlling makes monitoring and compliance with labels and certificates easily achievable. Energy figures can be visualised and compared with threshold values. This clearly reveals any performance gaps (discrepancies between planning and reality).

Fulfilling the MuKEn regulations

The “Model Regulations of the Cantons in the Energy Domain” (MuKEn) obligate major energy consumers to analyse their consumption and implement reasonable operating optimisations to reduce their energy consumption. Energy controlling enables the efficient fulfilment of these regulatory requirements.

Energy data as a planning basis

Detailed energy data provides a valuable planning basis for future renovations of technical building systems. The data can also serve as a foundation for optimising investments and for cost-effectiveness checks.

ISO standard 50 001

Complying with ISO standard 50 001 is even easier with energy controlling, as this provides a basis. ISO standard 50 001 offers a systematic approach to improving energy efficiency. Energy efficiency can be demonstrably increased with certification.

What’s more: the operating costs of energy controlling can be partially passed on to the tenant.
According to Art. 257b of the Code of Obligations, it is legally permitted to pass on a significant part of the costs for recording energy consumption to the tenants.


Energy controlling from A to Z

Energy controlling is an important management process, which is continuously developed in the course of operation. Introducing energy controlling starts with the project phase, where the requirements defined with the customer are realised in the system. Next, energy controlling is put into operation, where ongoing data collection and analysis take place.

The customer has the option to compile service modules tailored exactly to their needs.


  • Requirements analysis
  • Measuring concept
  • Introduction of energy controlling


  • Planning of measures


  • Implementation of measures


  • Data collection
  • Plausibility check
  • Data analysis


  • Success monitoring
  • Benchmarking
  • Potential analysis

Service à la carte

At ENASTRA, our services are modular allowing us to ideally address your customer needs:

Add-on package: Energy controlling

  • Key indicator analysis
  • Internal and external benchmarking
  • Consumption analysis and identification of savings potential
  • Regular consultations with the customer
  • Reporting on optimisation successes

Add-on package: Energy consumption monitoring

  • Monitoring the consumption of each individual meter
  • Ongoing checks and processing energy alerts
  • Maintaining the energy controlling logbook
  • Proactively informing the customer in the event of malfunctions or exceeded target values

Basic initial services in energy controlling

  • Setting up the data source for data transmission
  • Basic configuration of e3m
  • Basic training in the web portal

Basic monitoring functionality

  • Required licences
  • Basic support for questions regarding the e3m data centre
  • Monitoring data completeness and reachability
  • Continuous plausibility checks for the meter values
  • Notifying the customer in the event of unusual incidents

By the way: ENASTRA's monitoring system is Minergie certified!


“The path from the meter to the computer monitor”

In energy controlling, bills from financial accounting are not used as input values. Instead, we work directly with energy data. This data is automatically read out from the meters via the chosen data interface and sent to the data centre. The data is analysed on the web-based e3m platform, which can be flexibly configured to meet customer needs.

Meters in the building

Meters can be read out for all media, including heating, cooling, water, electricity, oil as well as gas meters. In the case of thermal meters (heating and cooling), the flow rate as well as forward flow and return flow temperatures are also collected as an additional benefit.

The data from the plant meters of an electricity or gas plant can also be subscribed from the plant, integrated into the system and visualised if necessary.

Meteorological data from weather stations throughout Switzerland is also available.

Data collection

e3m box
Transmission of meter data to the e3m box via fieldbus (e.g. MBus, Modbus, KNX interfaces). From the box, the data is sent directly to the data centre.

Building automation and control system
Using the software data connector (SDC), email or FTP server, the energy data is sent to the data centre. There is also the possibility to install an e3m box between them. Here, the data is sent from the building automation and control system to the box via Modbus, BacNet or an external database; the box then forwards the data to the data centre.

Manual entries
As the name says, the meter readings are entered manually. The e3m app or the homepage can be used for this purpose. The app is available to use offline if necessary and sends the entered data as soon as an Internet connection can be re-established. To simplify manual entry, the app also allows the use of QR codes on meters. Depending on the customer wish, annual, monthly, weekly or daily readings are possible.

LoRaWAN – Internet of Things
Using LoRaWAN – IoT, the energy data is sent to an external database, where it is then saved. The data is then passed on from the database to the e3m data centre.

Electricity or gas utility
Energy data collected by utility companies can be subscribed and sent to the data centre via email or FTP server.

Data storage

The meter data is sent to the e3m data centre via the chosen interface with the Internet or the cloud. The e3m data centre is a database-supported server application that aggregates all energy data transmitted. In order to ensure security when sending the energy data, only encrypted connections like VPN, SSL or HTTPS are used.

All data transmitted is stored as a backup on redundant servers in an external centre for data security.

Even when presenting the data in the web browser, HTTPS/SSL encryption is used regardless of the browser to ensure security.

Data analysis

Energy controlling with the use of the e3m tool means that numerous options are available for data analysis and graphical presentation.

When visualising consumption, for example, a bar chart can be used to present the outside temperature and multi-year energy data.

Where meter data is sufficiently detailed, load profile analyses can be visualised and evaluated.

Carpet plots enable a three-dimensional consumption analysis. These emphasise unusual measurement values and reveal seasonal consumption patterns, for example

Sankey diagrams present energy balances as well as energy and quantity flows in a clear and visually appealing way.

Benchmarking allows you to compare similar or identical buildings. Tenant usages can likewise be compared with each other or against planning or threshold values. Here, key energy indicators are calculated and neatly visualised in a diagram.

The presentation of building signatures shows the consumption of buildings in relation to the outside temperature. This makes it possible to detect outliers on the heat curve at an early stage.

Tailored exports and reports enable you to obtain specific statements on energy data. These analyses are particularly useful for presentation on monitors within the building itself. For customers and visitors, a green building monitor can help demonstrate the environmentally friendly management and responsibility of the company, displaying its successes in a transparent manner.

For instance, the picture shows a diagram presentation of a tailored report.

e3m features

Energy controlling is performed with suitable software. The e3m tool (energy, environment and efficiency management) is a web-based platform developed in Switzerland, which has already been used by ENASTRA for many years. e3m enables user-defined energy data management.


  • Accessible via any Internet browser
  • No additional software required
  • Flexible configuration according to customer wishes
  • Multilingual
  • App available for iOS and Android
  • Used for more than 5,000 buildings in Switzerland and around the world

Online Energy controlling

About us

ENASTRA comprises a team of qualified and motivated specialists for energy, sustainability and building technology.

You can find an overview of the energy controlling team on our main page.


Offene Stellen.

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«Greifen Sie zum Hörer und überzeugen Sie sich selbst! Wir beraten Sie gerne.»

Frederic Renier, Bereichsleiter

«N’hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous nous ferons un plaisir de vous conseiller.»

Yoan Pétremand, Chef d'équipe en Controlling énergétique


What our customers say about us

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

We have been working with ENASTRA’s energy controlling for many years now. During this time, we have integrated major properties and thereby brought energy consumption under control. The displays visualised by ENASTRA are very clear and contain all important information. Consumption monitoring and the immediate alerts in the event of discrepancies allow us to operate professionally. The use of the tool for operations and energy optimisation is highly valuable. This has meant many systems could be precisely corrected using control technology, allowing them to function optimally.



“As an energy city, we promote sustainability and energy efficiency. Collecting and monitoring energy consumption in our properties forms a central part of this. ENASTRA provides us with expert support here.” Property management

Canton of Thurgau

Canton of Thurgau

The Canton of Thurgau is pursuing an ambitious energy policy, striving for a 2000-watt society in the long term. This is to be achieved partly through greater energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. Energy controlling by ENASTRA ideally supports us with this endeavour. Energy outliers are recognised and reported early, and savings potential is identified. In particular, however, energy controlling enables us to have complete transparency regarding all energy flows in the building stock and therefore also provides a basis for the annual energy report of the Canton of Thurgau.

Grand Resort Bad Ragaz

Grand Resort Bad Ragaz

Thanks to e3m and ENASTRA, we are able to carry out our internal accounting of media costs by the second workday of every month at the latest. Meter failures are reported to us on the same day they occur. For our annual report, the relevant values are readily available to us.



ENASTRA is able to perform energy controlling for Credit Suisse and support it in energy matters.



“Thanks to the energy monitoring by ENASTRA, we always have access to plausibility-checked energy data for settling ancillary costs.” C. Beugger, Director of Commercial Properties, Wincasa AG



Together we are promoting transparency in the energy consumption of buildings and energy efficiency in operation. A great, environmentally conscious and customer-oriented cooperation.



One of Idorsia's primary sustainability goals is to reduce its environmental impact in order to ensure a safe and healthy environment for present and future generations. By recording the relevant energy flows, measures can be developed to increase efficiency and reduce the energy consumption of the buildings at the main site in Allschwil. In addition, the effectiveness of measures can be verified and the flawless operation of the buildings can be ensured.
With ENASTRA's consulting and energy controlling support, we can assume our responsibility and take the right measures to achieve our goals.



Energy monitoring is the first step in recognising energy outliers in the systems. Thanks to automated monitoring, Enastra detects malfunctions and immediately reports them to the responsible operators on site. The motto is not only to monitor, but also to act. We feel excellently supported by ENASTRA.